Advanced mediaplayer for affordable price!
FOUR Mobile 4-MP200BT is a mediaplayer with a short chassis. Easy to install even in tight locations. ISO-connectors are built in to chassis. This headunit does not need model specific leads. This also helps installation to tight spaces when one harness is left out.
You can listen your music via SD-memorycard, USB-stick, radio, AuxIn and Bluetooth audiostream. Unnecessary CD-player is left out.
This mediaplayer works also as a Handsfree to your phone. Microphone is built in the detachable faceplate. Faster installation than with separate external microphone.
Built in amplifier to four speakers has nice power ratings and if you still need more, this headunit has preouts for external ampifiers as well. Front, Rear and SUB outputs. SUB-out has level control and adjustable lowpass filters.
Preset EQ, Xbass, bass and treble controls give you possibilities to tune sound like you like it.